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Creating a ping-pong bot

Creating the basic files

Navigate to your bots folder.

Create a file called: config.json

Create a file called: index.js

Setting up the config.json file

Open the config.json file.

Now paste in the following text:

"token": "Your-token-goes-here",
"prefix": "Your-prefix-goes-here"

For "prefix" you can put in anything you like.

Now open a Revolt application of your choice or use the web app on the Revolt website.

Login and go into your settings (you can find them in the bottom left corner).

Open the "My Bots" tab.

My Bots tab

Click on "Reveal" to see the token of your bot.

Now copy and paste this code into the package.json file.

The end result should look something like this:

"token": "1A2B3C4D5G6H7I8J",
"prefix": "!"

Your token will look different and will be longer!

Now save the changes you made to the config.json file.

Setting up the index.js file

Open the index.js file in a code editor of your choice.

Now write the following code:

// Import the "Client" class from the revolt.js package
const { Client } = require("revolt.js");
// Import the values of "token" and "prefix" declared in your config.json file
const { token, prefix } = require('./config.json');

// Create a new client instance
let client = new Client();

// Once your client is ready, this code will be executed (only once)
client.on("ready", async () => {`Logged in as ${client.user.username}!`); // This returns "Logged in as *Your bot's name*!" in the console

// Make the client (bot) send the "Pong!" message after you send a message with the content "!ping" into chat.
client.on("message", async (message) => {
if (message.content === prefix + "ping") {"Pong!");

// Log in to Revolt with your client's token

Save the changes you made to the index.js file.

Run your bot

Open your terminal and navigate to your bots folder.

Type in the following command and press Enter to run your bot.

node index.js

Voilà! Your first bot is up and running!